Negotiations according to the PRO:Claim® concept
The PRO:Claim® Concept
Claims are the cause of countless conflicts in business. A claims negotiation is fundamentally emotionally tense. It differs significantly from normal contract negotiations, in which the parties can leave the negotiating table without further ado even if the negotiations are unsuccessful. However, the parties do not voluntarily sit at the negotiating table in a claim. If a claims negotiation fails, escalation is inevitable. The goal of the PRO:Claim® concept is that, on the one hand, the commercial settlement is enforced and, on the other hand, the negotiating parties leave the negotiating table with the feeling that the entire process has been fair. Fairness here has nothing to do with waiving claims.
With the PRO:Claim® concept, we have created an effective tool that modularizes and structures the negotiation process. Many negotiation concepts focus on a long-term good relationship, but neglect commercial compensation. The necessary individual disciplines in claims management, such as technical handling, commercial constraints, social interaction and negotiation techniques, taking into account the requirements of a project, are logically combined with the PRO:CLAIM® concept.

Negotiation preparation
The PRO:Claim® concept takes into account the often long road from the event to the date when the claim is finally negotiated. Skillful behavior in advance is crucial to avoid conflicts between the parties and to secure claims. We therefore consistently refer to this as pre-negotiation and develop clear strategies for you and prepare your team for the negotiation.
Negotiation management
We are also happy to step into the ring for you. Benefit from our experience from countless negotiations with large and small companies. We represent your interests to the business partner and fight for an optimal result.
You can benefit from our know-how by having us indirectly sitting at the negotiating table. The concept of the ghost negotiator is precisely that your business partner does not find out about it, but you can discuss new facts, strategies and approaches with our experienced staff during breaks in the negotiations.