Consulting in Contracts Management
Why does the customer pay the bill? Because the contract was fulfilled!
Why is our Consultancy so valuable for you?
Contracts are the basis for every project. Good contract management improves the result and ensures competitiveness.
Whether it is a new project, the awarding of sub-projects or contracts to sub-contractors, the amendment of contracts or the contentious dispute of mutual claims. Over the years, we have come to know many companies and procedures on both sides of the negotiating table. All cases have one thing in common:
The party with the better contract management was also the successful party!

The Audit
Contract management has to adapt to your company, not the company to contract management. A lot of things are going right in your company. Therefore, an analysis is important first to identify the points where you can improve.
Our expertise comes from practical experience. This forms the basis of our audits to analyze your business processes with regard to contract management. We use checklists and optimized process flows against which we can measure the maturity of your company. Of course, we also use our decades of experience to set industry-specific priorities.

The Concept
After the audit, you will receive a well-founded written analysis of the maturity of your contract management. The audit enables well-founded recommendations as to which measures contribute to an improvement of the processes.
At the same time, priorities and focal points of individual measures can be derived.
Of course, we then coordinate this concept with you so that the result is a roadmap that specifies the path from today to the new approach.

The implementation
Experience shows that the successful introduction of new methods depends on many factors. The first and most important factor is acceptance by the employees, so that the new rules are actually lived. We show you the best way to get employees on board.
Experience has shown time and again that the moment employees understand the systematics of contract management, a healthy process of self-optimization starts.