Why is coaching on contract management a good idea?
Well-trained employees are the key to success. Typically, technically well-trained and competent employees are used as project managers. The focus is then usually on solving technical issues and problems. Unfortunately, this is often to the detriment of the result, because the possibilities and procedures to use the contract optimally for one's own demands are not known. Within the scope of coaching, we work closely with you and your employees and show which methods and ways of thinking lead to success in the context of practical implementation.

What do we mean by coaching?
Coaching is a form of consulting that is specifically geared towards executives with management responsibilities. The coach is a neutral advisor who does not take over the client's work, but primarily supports the client in developing suitable measures. Especially in projects, where employees have to apply a new methodology parallel to their normal work, project coaching is very suitable. Often, many questions arise at the beginning due to difficulties in implementing new processes. The coach is the starting helper who helps over the first hurdles.
Especially projects in areas that break new ground offer the chance to conquer more than just a new area or to realize a new problem solution during "training on the job".

How does coaching work in contract management?
If the area of contract and claims management, where processes begin before the contract is signed and end only after the warranty period has expired, is being restructured or set up, the use of a coach is a good idea. This person's job is to help the individual employee understand the big picture of contractual issues.
A claim usually grows slowly. The earlier a potential claim is identified, the less the associated effort to defend or enforce it. When your employees recognize the symptoms of an incipient claim, you can actively manage the process and win regularly. Make your employees fit for everyday life through training and coaching, because well-trained employees are the key to success.

Presence coaching
We accompany and support your project team or your contract manager in their daily work in your company until the processes are established.
Online coaching
We are available to support you and your employees online and by phone. Whenever questions arise we are available to support you and your employees with our experience.
If you have questions or are interested, we look forward to hearing from you.