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About us
The roots of the company begin in 1997. It was the end of the time when even large and complex contracts contained only a few pages. The Hanseatic merchant's honor was considered the basis of a business relationship. International competition has led to constantly tougher competition in industrial plant engineering. As a result, a change has taken hold in recent years in which attempts are often made to exploit the wording in contracts as far as possible in favor of a one-sided interpretation. Equally often, unfair practices are used to generate a commercial advantage.
However, the competitive situation means that there are no longer any reserves in the sales price to cover such risks. Constantly giving in at one's own expense puts the company at risk. In turn, enforcing a claim harbors considerable potential for conflict. However, conflicts often have negative consequences: not only for the current project, but possibly also for future projects.
Contract Tools GmbH has dedicated itself intensively to this topic and has developed methods and tools that fit precisely to this area of tension. It starts with including some important rules of the game in contracts and clearly formulating the starting conditions. In the course of execution, it is then important to recognize disruptions and changes at an early stage in order to react optimally so that critical conflicts can be avoided without foregoing claims.

Ralf Budde has been responsible for major projects in plant construction in a leading position for many years. He has published his experience in dealing with a wide range of contractual disruptions in several specialist books. He is the managing director of Contract Tools GmbH, a consultant, trainer and coach. His clients include large and medium-sized companies from the mechanical and plant engineering sector throughout Europe.